2025 LOVE Calendar
We're now accepting photo entries for the 2025 Love Calendar, the most beautiful calendar in the world!

What is the Love Calendar?
The Calendar is a fundraiser for research for cancer cures. 100% of your donation supports research to help animals.
Not only does your dog (and other pets) get the fame they deserve, but your donation helps animals. Here's an example of our project.
How to send photos for the calendar?
1. You can submit photos by filling out this google form. (Preferred way)
2. If you don't have a google account, you can email the photos and captions to this email address: LoveCalendarCCA@gmail.com.
Send us: Your Name, Mailing Address, Photo(s) of Your Pet(s), Name(s), Caption(s) and any stories you’d like to share .
If you have any questions, email us at LoveCalendarCCA@gmail.com
How to donate?
Monthly donation of $17 - $33 : Guaranteed 3 photos in the calendar, Receive 4 copies of calendar
Monthly donation of $34-100 : Guaranteed 4 photos in the calendar, Receive 6 copies of calendar
Monthly donation $101 or more : Guaranteed 5 photos in the calendar, Receive 10 copies of calendar
One time donation of $35-$100 : Guaranteed 1 photo in the calendar, Receive 1 copy of calendar
One time donation of $101-$200: Guaranteed 2 photos in the calendar, Receive 3 copies of calendar
One time donation of $201 or more: Guaranteed 3 photos in the calendar, Receive 4 copies of calendar
I just want to pay for the calendar: Donate $35 per calendar
2. After sending your donation, fill out the form. If you can’t access the Google form, kindly email us (see above).