Until Oct 3, 2021
Oct 2, 10 am PST, Celebratory PAWRTY
Sept 19, 2021 8:00 am - 11am,
Walk/Run starts at 9 am
Marymoor Park, Redmond WA
Registration includes a T-shirt and a bandana:
$35 for 18 and over.

Wag Love is inspired by an old festival in Nepal where all dogs are honored and thanked for their friendship and loyalty. It's a gathering - both live and virtual - that celebrates beloved dogs in our lives. We walk, run, hike for our best friends. Registration fees and every dollar raised support research seeking canine cancer cures.

Questions & Answers
How do I register?
Go here to register. Registration is $35 for an adult (18+).
We'll have a T-shirt for you, and a bandana for your dog, and fresh flowers for live participants.
How does it work for virtual participants?
Choose your activity (walk, 5k run, hike, whatever you and/or your dog love). We will send you a T-shirt and bandana in the mail. Complete the activity by Oct 3. Send us photos and any message you'd like to share. You will also be invited to live zoom events and various online activities.
For live participants: What time should I come?
Registration and T-shirt pickup open at 8:00 am. The walk and run begin at 9 am. We will be wrapping things up at 11 am.
Any COVID rules?
With uncertainties around the COVID variants, we want to take extra precautions even though our live event is outdoors. We ask all participants bring a well-fitted face mask that covers nose and mouth, and stay socially distanced. And if you are not feeling well, please stay home and participate virtually.
Can I pick up my T-shirt and bandana in person before Sept 19th?
Yes. SWAG pickup is Sept 18, 2-4 pm at Mud Bay 1645 140th Ave, NE Bellevue Wa.
How much do flowers cost?
We are providing flowers for free. And the volunteers can show you how to make different garlands.
Can my dog dress up?
If your pet is comfortable, bring your pup in a fun costume. We will have the best costume contest.
Do you have rules about dogs?
No aggressive dogs or female dogs in heat. All dogs must have up-to-date dog tags and licenses. Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
Can I volunteer?
Absolutely! Shoot us a message at info@ccralliance.org We have lots of volunteer positions to fill and volunteers have great fun!
How can I help with fundraising?
A page describing our cause is automatically created for you when you register. You can customize it and n share it with your friends if you'd like. Using the page is optional, but anything you can do to get the word out will be much appreciated and definitely help our dogs.
What is a Remembrance Wall?
We will have a wall for posting photos of our beloved dogs at the event, and we will also have an online wall. If you wish to participate, please bring your dog's photo or email a photo and a tribute message before Sept 17 to info@ccralliance.org

What do I get with my registration fee?
Walker and runner registration include T-shirts, bandana, and for live participants - free flowers and snacks after the race.
I can't afford to register. Can I still participate and help?
Yes absolutely! Come join us - or if you'd like to volunteer, shoot us a message info@ccralliance.org
Where does the money from registration and donations go?
The funds support research seeking canine cancer cures. Cancer strikes 6 million dogs annually just in the US - about 3 times more than people! Find out about studies that Canine Cancer Alliance is supporting with your help.
What is Canine Cancer Alliance?
Canine Cancer Alliance is a nonprofit charitable foundation with a mission to end dog cancer.
Other questions?
Email us at info@ccralliance.org

Law Office of Laurie Shiratori, PLLC

WAG LOVE is an event organized by
Canine Cancer Alliance, a 501(c)(3) foundation.